All these images represent the essence of our work - in a sense the result of this creative electricity that we are sharing as twin brothers. The images are all part of our collection of Limited Editions. We offer this effort to you and we trust that you will admire this act of us as an inspiration for your dreams to come true. With respect.
"What happens when a classical Italian sensibility—embracing the Old World traditions of Michelangelo and the Renaissance—meets Hawai‘i’s island culture? In the breathtaking collaborative art of twin brothers Marcello and Alessio Bugagiar, the result is not culture-clash, but glorious synthesis. Their joint oeuvre uniquely blends European artistic disciplines—and cutting-edge digital technology—with the delightful informality of Hawaiian culture. The brothers frequently employ traditional oils on a variety of media, from plaster to koa wood, as they celebrate the riotous colors and sensual forms of Hawai‘i: flora, fauna, native peoples, and natural environment."